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Aquabiking in Dubai

Aquabiking in Dubai by L’Atelier Aquafitness

Popular in Europe, this new and unique workout helps burn up to 500 calories per session, tones the body and reduces cellulite

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 17th December 2013. L’Atelier Aquafitness recently opened its doors in Dubai to become the first and only Aquafitness boutique in the United Arab Emirates to offer Aquabiking classes. The aquabiking concept originated in Italy in the 1990s and it later spread to neighboring France, Spain, Portugal, Germany and it is now becoming more and more popular in the United States and the United Kingdom. It was developed by an Italian physical therapist to help rehabilitate injured athletes.

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Aquabiking is a mix of water aerobics and indoor spinning on specially designed bikes for the water activity which are immersed in a 1m27 indoor pool. According to Karima Rahali-Sebti, Founder, L’Atelier Aquafitness, “When I arrived to Dubai from Europe, I searched for aquabiking classes which I attended regularly and couldn’t find any, so I decided to introduce it to the region. Once you experience aquabiking, you will feel the difference as it has a wide range of health benefits. It is simply an energizing experience.”

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Aquabiking, being a full-body workout, has an incredible range of health benefits and body sculpting effects thanks to several water properties. The first factor is the natural resistance of the water because water offers 12 times the resistance of air, aquabiking offers a more rigorous workout for your muscles and makes you work your muscles deeper. It helps improve the cardiovascular endurance and strength. The other factor is water buoyancy. The water supports your body weight keeping your joints safe and naturally supports your spine making aquabiking a low- to no-impact exercise and making it also a possible alternative for those with injuries.

Furthermore, the massage you’re getting from the water whilst cycling helps drain the lymphatic system and eliminates more calories and toxins, therefore smoothens the skin and reduces the cellulite dramatically. Finally, the water cooling effect reduces the discomfort of sweating whilst reducing pressure on the heart. So you don’t feel wiped out after your class. An aquabiking class will give an intense full body workout and will leave you with an invigorated mind and body. A 45 minutes session can help you burn up to 500 calories.

For further information, please visit www.latelieraquafitness.com or contact us on 04- 338 8323


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